Thursday, May 25, 2006

Nostalgic Imprints

Full of innocence, to the brim
A kid who didn't know him,
Walked a couple of hundred meters
St. Thomas Hall, MCC destined to be his future.

The very first day
Rolling on the grass,
Initiation came his way
establishing a statement of class.

He had to soon acclimatize
With seniors double his size,
Red eyed heralding their cry
Having a ball first year went by.

Trying to potray the MCC identity
Next year came along, granting seniority,
A total transformation in the entity
Simplicity learned, paved way for slight maturity.

Life made much more easy
Like a stone, infinitely lazy,
Before the year ended, the chase started
Materialistic and self appeasing ambitions parted.

In a mix of satisfaction and frustration
Came to an end second years ride,
Cut strings, added some in continuation
The feeling of being senior most gave pride.

In the craving for a higher altar
Ended up shooting, at the star,
Life like a trip, time flew
What to do next had no clue.

Three years had transformed him a lot
Now with a handfull of days to pass,
The experience, gave way to more thought
Found the answer to who he was.


Arindam said...

Abbe LKB! Blog shuru karke batata bhi nahi hai!!!

Nice poem though. Discovered yourself yet? :D

Aashim said...

Ya m out of the flash or getting out of it.. MCC was heaven no place better though..

Aashim said...

ohh jana sry didnt tell u didnt c u online.. ya ve discovered myself to an extent to which i would not ve if i had been elsewhere..

Arindam said...

* LOL! Yeah - I am speaking in tongues. Mr. Wild, for your information that was more delhi-speak than bombay. :D

* Chill Aashim, was simply pulling your leg. Planning to join college or still sticking onto the home for a year plan?

Anonymous said...

and what is the answer?