Saturday, November 25, 2006

Time to RATE Indians..!!

Following the west, for the good or the bad, there is a considerable change in the lifestyle of Indians. Like the developed countries, we are also living our life on financial credit, attribute it to the growing banking system in our country or the regular flow of liquid assets. The plastic cards, the signatures of ink can grant enough money for a lifetime with the present scenario of credit grants. The creditabilty of the individual to pay back the credit lays on the discretion of the institutions granting the same, not a very transparent, rigid and fair criteria exists for the above though.
In the west for the same there exists credit rating agencies who rate incorporations and individuals on their ability to take credit based on their history from inception/birth. 'Standard & Poors' and Moody's are the global players when it comes to credit ratings, not denying the existence of ICRA (Indian Credit Rating Agency) and Crysal on the Indian grounds, ICRA and Crysal only rate corporations though it's high time the individuals also start getting rated. We have to sooner or later start the credit ratings to make things easier and smoother to attain credit instruments in terms of loans, Credit cards, certificate of credit and so on.
It could either start as a PSU (it would be difficult to trust their transparency then) or a private company which could tie up with the income tax department and other financial service providers to get the historical background of an individual on the financial grounds. Their could exists a chart of credit ratings with the amount of credit attainable for the same.
Quite often there are times when a a worthy individual is denied credit and there are times when individuals flee away after recieving such credits, its time to bring efficiency in this system and start a centralised agency to give the first green or red flag to indiviuals looking for financial credit. These ratings could be the next status symbol and directly or indirectly it would coax individuals to be more transparent with their financial dealings and tax returns.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Omlette Intoxication..!!

It was after a long time, ages (relatively; after the sweet yrs in college) that I indulged myself into the 'irresistable pastime' last afternoon. The esoteric feeling felt great. Out of the blue, I wanted to cook myself something, wanted to try something new, make a dish of my own and so I did...
I call it
'Omlette Intoxication'

Friday, October 20, 2006

Monotony of Life..

Monotous, Everything seems to get monotonous. Human mind craves to do something, not for a very long time. The monotony, the same routine, the usual lifestyle gets to you at times.

Monotony defines the way one's going to live his next day. There is no sense of eagerness, every question seems to have an answer, there ceases to exist any reason for expectance. With everything one does, at every phase of life there's this stretch of time when your routine of life gets static. The everyday life seems to be defined by a set of paramters, the mornings, the days, the evenings, the nights all have a schedule which is hard to get out of.

The conventions of life force's one to stick to a systematized way of living. 'Same is boring', I had read somewhere but is there a way out? The stark reality is everyone is bound to live a monotonous stretch. There is no escaping out of it. Even the satisfied man who does what he really likes to gets tired of doing it when he's forced to, to live.

Somethings are impossible and getting away from the monotony of life is one of them.


Monday, October 02, 2006

Durga Maa..

Festive season yet again.. In a so-to-be secular country of ours, its festive season all round the year but if one s in the northern region of our country this time of the year is the most celebrated. With Rama killing Ravana, preparing to get back from the exile and Durga being honoured the capital city is full of thrills.
It's been a while I ve seen Delhi celebrate these occasions, 3yrs of college kept me away. It was after school days I visited the pandals of CR park, the bengali dominated residential area in the city, to see the grand idols of Durga. I was awe-struck as the yrs before, apart from the idols getting more decorated and growing bigger there was not much of a change. Ofcourse the mulla spent would ve quadrupled to arrange such a big show. Only if Durga would be pleased proportionally to the money spent, CR park would be Heaven on Earth.
After the grand nine days of prayers, celebrations and joy the idols would be floated in the holy waters of Yamuna. Holy or not, m not sure but filthy( in the literal sense) for sure. The Yamuna and Ganga would curse their holistic existence, keeping in mind the amount they are polluted every day on that account. The huge idols with the holy powders smashed all over them definitely help increase the level of the river bed if not shower blessings. No offence to the traditions of a particular clan, all ancient traditions of every clan in our country are no better. If all the money floated in a river or burnt to celebrate the festival of light could be used to uplift the not-so-blessed sections of the society the economic gap in our country would be far less.

God Bless.. MAHATMA

A monday off is possibly the best thing one can think of after a heavy week. 'Monday off' does not only grant one a long weekend but also lets one contemplate the short 4 day week ahead. Hail Mahatma for this awesome day, or should i thank Karamchand Gandhi and Putlibai??

Saturday, September 23, 2006

Those were the days...

Early morning hours in college, after our long nights of getting wasted.. The days you are hardly bothered about anything other than your state of mind..!!

Negative Advertising

With the world being consumer driven, the consumer enjoying the status of a king, the advertisors are trying to please all, with their idealistic ways. Today with the media shaping an important part in almost everything one does, the advertisers don't fall back on trying to sell their product. Impossible, idealistic, not relevant commercials can still be accepted but the ones throwing a negative streamline of thought are to be strictly prohibited.
The commercials are basically designed to please their target crowd but it being easy to manouver a childs mind, who plays the key role in the purchase of the FMCG s in a household, the ad-man lays prime focus at them. Last night I saw a commercial where a kid shoos his friends away from his lunch box by telling them that his folks dont use the washing powder which kills the germs on the vessel coz he did'nt want to share his food, now indirectly the message sent across to the vulernable minds is not to share one s food with his/her peers. Likewise all the virtual superhero characters who appear soon after one consumes the product to fight the kids enemies motivates the small hero to encourage violence. Agreed, a capitalist only thinks of his returns but this is not the way one promotes his line of products.
If there can be a panel to review a motion picture and a censor board to make sure it does'nt violate the preset rules of not displaying too much skin, not encourage bad( I disagree) habbit like smoking, not second the notion of violence why can't their be a board to put a check on the commercials. One should not only seive the advertisements by what is displayed but by the message it indirectly sends across to the youth.

Ah Finally..

...Weekend again.
It was the good old schools days, last, when I used to long for my weekends. The anticipation and eagerness for weekends had almost died in the last few years maybe coz, no actually coz, every day of the week was treated the same. From the half week days of constructive work in school, with an infinite number of loops in them, to the full week days of work, with no escaping a minute, the wait for the weekend has grown manifold.
It is only on weekends that I get to post, I mean who ll ve the energy to post after 9 straight hrs of work in which u got to sit all the hrs infront of the intellegent box (computer, I call it so coz m doin research, its my religion for now).
Weekends, like the oasis u find after every five days of walkin in the desert. The oasis of alcohol I so love to drown myself in it.
May God bless the weekends.

Saturday, September 16, 2006


The day you left I tried to hold back my tears
Suddenly I could see everything come true out of my fears
Needed to say so much to you which I couldn’t say
Wanted to hold you close and ask you to stay
Needed to tell you that you’re like the friend I never had
You always seem to make me smile when things went really bad
If I got to tell you, I got to tell it all
It’d keep you with me if you with were 3 inches tall
The vampire smile is a complete turn on
It’s something I always think about every time you’re gone
Never been so weak in the knees
Felt intoxicated, like I’ve had a dozen long island ice teas
Grinding and dancing the night away
Some memories will ceaselessly in my mind stay
My frequent trips and the looks no one else understands
I wrote my piece and it got washed away in the Mahab sands
Some things good or bad just don’t ever change
Some thoughts just go out of range
The head massages that would lead to something finger licking good!
I’m the innocent convent school girl from the hood!!!
Long walks that cease to end
Kiss me quick, no one is looking from around the bend
Seeing you again won’t be possible for a while
It’s funny how some people’s numbers you know by heart and don’t need a speed dial
Don’t want no branding
I’ll be there for you even if I’m the last woman standing
I’ve found anyone else who understands me without me spelling it out
Who answered all my unasked questions every time I was in doubt
Just want to tell you that never did I once believe the things they said
And that my feelings for you aren’t entirely dead

Written by someone i shared the best of my relations with.. She s going to UK and i ll miss u friend..

P.S. We were literally 600 kms away from each other... IT ONLY TAKES YOUR MIND FOR A RELATION TO WORK..


Wondering why the alphabets in the word are hay-wired?? Well it just correlates to the not-literal meaning of the above word which in itself has a zillion synonyms. Even the blood relations have so many facets to them, it is impossible to define or group the so called self-created ones. Every relation has a one in a million DNA characteristic. Branding a relation is the last thing one could do.. As Shakespeare said " wats in a name?". Without a legal entity( which itself in today's world is not hard to get out of), without a blood bonding, with wat assurance does one depend on a relation... With the emotional quotient, with a confused frustrated human minds backing?? A relation, a clap they don't materialize if there isnt a mutual consent. Its wierd, its esoteric, its confusing, its definition-less, its as tough to know its essence as it is to know oneself....

Monday, September 11, 2006

What Women Want...

Physical security
Financial security
Social status

...and I wholly detest this section of the feminine gender

Thursday, September 07, 2006

Changes are inevitable.... with practical experience i second the notion.
From the dark being the day and the irritation aroused coz of natural light to the gettin up at almost sunrise and hitting the bed at exceptionally soon, from a long unattended hairdo to a short gelled one, from hardly a meal a day to perfect three meals and all the protien catered through artificial juices, from the daily highs, the sweet smell of greens to the only weekends of alcohol, from the no-routine-at-all life to a systematic, scheduled one life s transformed many fold in the last few months.

Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Beer bottles being put to constructive use...

Sunday, June 18, 2006


Thursday, June 08, 2006

World's plastic, Delhi is a higher derivative...

Oh you!! Stop just being puppets
to the society's trumpets,
Burn your plastic skin
Stop pleasing others akin...

It seems that the versatile use of poly vinyl chloride has increased the affinity of today's race towards it in manifold amounts. Now not only are people increasing it's use, but are instigated to act according to its physical attributes. You have to look into a projected personality to know the actual story....
Being a Delhi fanatic for the first eighteen yrs of my life, three yrs down south has totally changed the perspective of my outlook, though I don't irk I totally detest the way people judge and categorize individuals. The fake materialistic possessions mean everything to everyone here. No one looks beyond the superficial man. The materialistic props can dupe all, you are considered to be another form of God if one has the money to flaunt and possess everything that the supreme being never made.
FACE VALUE is all that matters in this part of the country. Starting from the brand u sport, the technologically savvy gadgets you carry and the speed you travel on is respected and prayed to. The illogical criteria an individual is judged on, is very logical to people here. It is the artificial fame they inherit by showing off something as immaterial as wealth. Though it might be the dependents biggest bliss, the joy of showing others the extent of dependency is craved for. The society has turned into a no self-respect one or do people misjudge self-respect in terms of the huge economic divide carved deeper by them.
M afraid, I really m will I get sucked into a culture so irrelevant as this. Can I make a pledge to people to change the way they look at things, no I ll make a fool of myself, might even be proclaimed as the not so lucky brats of the society. There exists discrimation, an esoteric divide not on basis of the age old titles.

Sunday, June 04, 2006

" Play one step lower and you can play three more chords"

Call me a kleptomaniac.... When it comes to people I respect, I tend to steal their words and make my own inferences. Thus derives the above quote which I use as the heading to this post. Jimmy Page said these words with respect to his field of interest. Technical music terms( which I myself am not very good at) defins this by justifying that if you play one step lower(D#) then you can play three more chords.
People sometimes say so much without knowing how relevant those words could be. Interpreting the above line with relevance to real life it means so much so that Jimmy Page himself would not have thought about. In this limited tenure of life if you play a step lower as in bring your ego(a difficult term to define) to bow down at times you could strike many more chords in life. We often try to prove something by striking higher than the rest, our self-esteem, attitude tend to force ourselves to fake our identity and achieve superficial satisfaction. If only we could stand strong and cut down on our plastic individualism we could win over many more strong strings of relations than enjoy the artificial respect we tend to gain by projecting, a not us.
A small game lost in the fight of our ego, would win us many more battles in life. Losing out on an instantaneous joy and making someone else feel happy about it does not make one insignificant in real terms. Win over people by losing to them, in the long run you would tend to gain a realistic respect.

Sunday, May 28, 2006

Helpless evening sun, promises yet another day before it vanishes beyond the horizon...
( Another of the awesome sites in the north east hills, tht back packing trip was mind-blowing, Photographer; Me)

Sun sets, where it rises first....
( Also done in the trip to Shillong, Photographer;Me)

Hills in the Eastern frontier of our country (Photographed during my trip to Cherapunjee, Photographer; Me again)

Friday, May 26, 2006


An argument over a beer is the best thing possible to reveal me with the on-goin cyclone inside my head, when the topic of discussion is not for the sake of it but firmly believed by both the sides its even better. Today, after the good old MCC days, had a good conversation with my friend when we both were high the rasta style and on beers. 'RESERVATIONS' was the key word, with him totally against granting it and protesting with the rest, in places all over the capital. Will it help or not is not the question neither is the awareness of the percentage of people participating in it, the question or rather the solution we have to grant is the ALTERNATIVE. Claiming to divide the country into various economic classes is not practical in a country like ours. With the public servants as the final authority and their crave for monetory authority by hook or crook, with no transparency in the ways and means of their working it is next to impossible to start a herculian task as talked about. Well then comes the accusation of being laid back and not concerned thrown back but can u actually keep at stake the future of thousands of our youth to experiment with something as uncertain as the economic class division??? Apart from the no-solution ground, to ponder upon its been our ancestors who suppressed these classes and gave them no oppurtunity now if we have to suffer a bit and uplift them wats wrong?? We can't pick up examples of the miniscule percentage of the backward class people who are living a good life today and enjoying the quotas too, we have to take into consideration the majority of the backward class people who are living much below the poverty line. In the general category when the oppurtunities given are equal why is there an economic divide, its because of the hardwork and human capital invested when one's given the chance to, and now just because one did not want to rise above the economic class he is in you want to give his next generation a special privelage to study?? There are infinite questions to be asked before one stands against the decision and protest day and night.......
P.S. Raghu stop being jealous of the few backward class people ( i know, you know some of them to defend your case) living a luxurious life and still enjoying the quotas and start living in the world where 'survival of the fitest' sounds perfect.

Thursday, May 25, 2006

Nostalgic Imprints

Full of innocence, to the brim
A kid who didn't know him,
Walked a couple of hundred meters
St. Thomas Hall, MCC destined to be his future.

The very first day
Rolling on the grass,
Initiation came his way
establishing a statement of class.

He had to soon acclimatize
With seniors double his size,
Red eyed heralding their cry
Having a ball first year went by.

Trying to potray the MCC identity
Next year came along, granting seniority,
A total transformation in the entity
Simplicity learned, paved way for slight maturity.

Life made much more easy
Like a stone, infinitely lazy,
Before the year ended, the chase started
Materialistic and self appeasing ambitions parted.

In a mix of satisfaction and frustration
Came to an end second years ride,
Cut strings, added some in continuation
The feeling of being senior most gave pride.

In the craving for a higher altar
Ended up shooting, at the star,
Life like a trip, time flew
What to do next had no clue.

Three years had transformed him a lot
Now with a handfull of days to pass,
The experience, gave way to more thought
Found the answer to who he was.