Saturday, September 23, 2006

Ah Finally..

...Weekend again.
It was the good old schools days, last, when I used to long for my weekends. The anticipation and eagerness for weekends had almost died in the last few years maybe coz, no actually coz, every day of the week was treated the same. From the half week days of constructive work in school, with an infinite number of loops in them, to the full week days of work, with no escaping a minute, the wait for the weekend has grown manifold.
It is only on weekends that I get to post, I mean who ll ve the energy to post after 9 straight hrs of work in which u got to sit all the hrs infront of the intellegent box (computer, I call it so coz m doin research, its my religion for now).
Weekends, like the oasis u find after every five days of walkin in the desert. The oasis of alcohol I so love to drown myself in it.
May God bless the weekends.

1 comment:

Arindam said...'re lucky you're seeing weekends and looking forward to them. i'm jealous. right now, my life consists of tests, tests and more tests. damn pissing off. social life seems to have died.