Monday, September 11, 2006

What Women Want...

Physical security
Financial security
Social status

...and I wholly detest this section of the feminine gender


Aashim said...

Physical security and financial security is not to be wanted from your counterpart.. women say they are at par with men then why the dependency??

Arindam said...

dependency comes only after they neter into a relationship. till then they are at par. and even after "then" they will say they are at par. and claim that they do the dependency bit to make the male feel confident of his "hunter-gatherer" role.

all this is small fry... the larger question here aashim, is why are you trying to understand them?

Anonymous said...

bugger, you should tell people wen u start posting again. now u have to tell us why came to be thinkin bout this. who did u meet?

Aashim said...

didnt meet anyone... was just poenderin over it, and thought abt the majority of the females who crave for such dependency.. and ya now i ll be posting regularly..

Nitika Tandon said...

I think men demand the same.

Aashim said...

No man demands the same.. a bit of emotional security ya agreed, social status upto the extent of not getting himself embarassed thats abt it..

Unknown said...

u know, u left emotional security out. And i think only some women ask for it. And i think, men actually enjoy women being dependent on them. Sort of like an ego satisfying thing. And i dont think u can compare men and women, They arent equal, but very different.

Aashim said...

Well I left emotional security out coz there's nthn wrong with expecting for that, as said before even men look out for it.. these three are the worst expectables..
I second your last statement..!

Unknown said...

emotional security is the worst of all, jus imagine, pple gettin married all around the world cos they are scared to be alone?? some sort of dependency is bound to be there always, but emotional will lead to so much mess. And as for the others, see women were never allowed to study or work so they have to depend of someone for money rite?? and physical?? fades off too fast for women, u have more no of men havin affairs than women, and social status?? u talkin about th page 3 crowd, which is like a small percent, i think men put more pressure on themselves.