Sunday, June 04, 2006

" Play one step lower and you can play three more chords"

Call me a kleptomaniac.... When it comes to people I respect, I tend to steal their words and make my own inferences. Thus derives the above quote which I use as the heading to this post. Jimmy Page said these words with respect to his field of interest. Technical music terms( which I myself am not very good at) defins this by justifying that if you play one step lower(D#) then you can play three more chords.
People sometimes say so much without knowing how relevant those words could be. Interpreting the above line with relevance to real life it means so much so that Jimmy Page himself would not have thought about. In this limited tenure of life if you play a step lower as in bring your ego(a difficult term to define) to bow down at times you could strike many more chords in life. We often try to prove something by striking higher than the rest, our self-esteem, attitude tend to force ourselves to fake our identity and achieve superficial satisfaction. If only we could stand strong and cut down on our plastic individualism we could win over many more strong strings of relations than enjoy the artificial respect we tend to gain by projecting, a not us.
A small game lost in the fight of our ego, would win us many more battles in life. Losing out on an instantaneous joy and making someone else feel happy about it does not make one insignificant in real terms. Win over people by losing to them, in the long run you would tend to gain a realistic respect.


Anonymous said...

translated into english, that means..........u are wasting ur time writing in a blog. u should work with microsoft.

Aashim said...

Born to be wild
ya life s a guitar.. and m not tellin u to let others play ur guitar indedd m askin u to flex the way u urself play ur guitar and the u ll win the world..

Aashim said...

Mr. wild,
u can assuredly lower ur ego by flexing urself.. well my grey matter believes in tht.. how would u define EGO??

Anonymous said...

Cool blog, interesting information... Keep it UP » » »