Thursday, June 08, 2006

World's plastic, Delhi is a higher derivative...

Oh you!! Stop just being puppets
to the society's trumpets,
Burn your plastic skin
Stop pleasing others akin...

It seems that the versatile use of poly vinyl chloride has increased the affinity of today's race towards it in manifold amounts. Now not only are people increasing it's use, but are instigated to act according to its physical attributes. You have to look into a projected personality to know the actual story....
Being a Delhi fanatic for the first eighteen yrs of my life, three yrs down south has totally changed the perspective of my outlook, though I don't irk I totally detest the way people judge and categorize individuals. The fake materialistic possessions mean everything to everyone here. No one looks beyond the superficial man. The materialistic props can dupe all, you are considered to be another form of God if one has the money to flaunt and possess everything that the supreme being never made.
FACE VALUE is all that matters in this part of the country. Starting from the brand u sport, the technologically savvy gadgets you carry and the speed you travel on is respected and prayed to. The illogical criteria an individual is judged on, is very logical to people here. It is the artificial fame they inherit by showing off something as immaterial as wealth. Though it might be the dependents biggest bliss, the joy of showing others the extent of dependency is craved for. The society has turned into a no self-respect one or do people misjudge self-respect in terms of the huge economic divide carved deeper by them.
M afraid, I really m will I get sucked into a culture so irrelevant as this. Can I make a pledge to people to change the way they look at things, no I ll make a fool of myself, might even be proclaimed as the not so lucky brats of the society. There exists discrimation, an esoteric divide not on basis of the age old titles.


Arindam said...

Since I ain't there I can't say welcome to Delhi bro. Now you understand why I used to crib about Delhi?

Anonymous said...

u r bothered about the most irrelevant of things. who the fuck cares if the rest of delhi is like that? what and how you are is all that matters, at least to me. and u r generalising. or u r hanging out with the loser crowd. there are a lotta people in delhi who are not like that.

Aashim said...

country fellow..
its not the same for u i ve acquaintances here who i cant break strings with.. for someone who has not been here its a totally different story u can be like u are but its difficult for me..

Anonymous said...

no one is asking u to break strings. actually, it is useless commenting here. talk about it sometime. in fact, we have had this discussion before, not serious though.

Anonymous said...

way to go aashim!!delhi being my hometown i totally agree wid u..even though i hvnt spent mmore than 3 months at a stretch i cud feel the artificiality ppl over there have..and when u cum down south..u really c the diference!

Anonymous said...

firstly, being from delhi...this annoys me.. secondly, you said that u hate generalisation against individuals but then u go n do exactly that agnst all delhiites.. n thirdly, the ppl u know are the ones u associate yourself with, n this generalisation is based on that...which isn't everyone...the ppl i know arent like that so i cd say ur wayy outta line...but then i dont like generalisations...just like u..

Aashim said...

anonymous(m guessin it's u hari; delhi fanatic)
m not generalizin to a large extent, this is wat i ve observed in del.. and neither is this only in context to the ppl i associate with.. u got to live out of del to feel the difference..

Anonymous said...

u just generalized everyone by sayin all that... which is totally a fallacy...
u never said all that crap before u went... right?
and now that ure back, u just realized it all... like a truck that ran over u and u wake up to the pain 10 years later...
its just too dumb of u goin into this notion of 'falseness'... it might be there, but i wudnt be bothered... well, if u dun hang out with ppl like that, why would u care?
essentially, everyone is materialistic... not everyone wants to serve the community and the world... and yea... everybody wants to be a millionaire...
u shldnt quite care unless it affects u in any way... u just see it happening... u dun get trampled over and discriminated because of it... do u?
praising the ''down south attitude'', cribbin abt and generalizing delhi's "want-to-be's" is just not right....
so try killing this cynical act man....
u can do better....
(and its me now... i wuznt anonymous! and i'l never will be... so that isnt my comment... this is)

Aashim said...

who is this blah!

Anonymous said...

i am 'the' blah! and the alpha, the beta and the omega too...
wah wah!

Anonymous said...

haha, hilarious man, you're just a loser, if you don't have money, then get over it man. let the people who do have it enjoy it. bloody smalltime wanna-be loser.

Anonymous said...
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